sabato 9 agosto 2014 American friends...Paul!

Paul Howe - Maple Shade, New Jersey

about my "Concord-Sonata"...

"I listened to your recording last night after dinner  and then again this morning and I find it completely overwhelming. First of all, it is beautifully recorded with just enough resonance around the piano and lots of luscious detail. More important , I never once thought, "Hey, this guy is some virtuoso! Wow, listen to him go!" I felt through every measure of the music that the performer was at the service of the composer and admired and loved every moment of the piece. But also there was a great sense of overall architecture and purpose, which to my mind is the greatest challenge in Ives no matter how technically proficient the artist  who interprets him may be. I heard many little details here and there that I had not noticed in the seven other recordings I own, which means your vision of the work is individualistic at the same time as it respects the composer. I think my craggily eccentric and thoroughly democratic countryman, Charles Ives, would thoroughly approve. Bravo, Maestro!"

8th, August 2014

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