sabato 9 agosto 2014

Joe Barron review ... "I can see myself spending more and more time with this one "Concord".

"Another Concord"
by Joe Barron

"...  . It's an exciting thoughtful performance... . Roberto approaches the "Concord" almost like Bach - not in a way that dries it out, but in way that clarifies the textures and equalizes the independent voices.
I was especially impressed with his treatment of the Hawthorne movement, which has in general been my least favorite of the four.
The timings are longer than on most other recordings. Roberto brings in the piece at just 12 seconds shy of any hour, an almost epic duration and the music only accumulates power as it goes on.
I have at least a dozen recordings of the "Concord", and I can see myself spending more and more time with this one."

Liberated Dissonance
26th, December 2012

Sounds' Falls - Booklet Cd


George Gershwin, Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber

VELUT LUNA CDVL 186 (2010)

😊😊😊 American friends...Paul!

Paul Howe - Maple Shade, New Jersey

about my "Concord-Sonata"...

"I listened to your recording last night after dinner  and then again this morning and I find it completely overwhelming. First of all, it is beautifully recorded with just enough resonance around the piano and lots of luscious detail. More important , I never once thought, "Hey, this guy is some virtuoso! Wow, listen to him go!" I felt through every measure of the music that the performer was at the service of the composer and admired and loved every moment of the piece. But also there was a great sense of overall architecture and purpose, which to my mind is the greatest challenge in Ives no matter how technically proficient the artist  who interprets him may be. I heard many little details here and there that I had not noticed in the seven other recordings I own, which means your vision of the work is individualistic at the same time as it respects the composer. I think my craggily eccentric and thoroughly democratic countryman, Charles Ives, would thoroughly approve. Bravo, Maestro!"

8th, August 2014 American friends...Richard and Michael!

Richard Fenster - La Mesa, California

about my "Concord-Sonata"...

"I listened once and I was taken over by the emotion that I was conveyed. Yet it did not sound overly romantic. Very clear and I could hear individual notes and lined with no over pedaling."

12th, February 2014

Michael Kolesa - Ontario, Canada

about my "Concord-Sonata"...

"Although  I have at least 8 other recording of the "Concord" in my collection, your performance is quite special! In it you uncover an emotional heart to this piece that brings out a real poignancy to the interpretation. It will be a performance that I return to again and again and I'm sure the insights in it will only increase as I gain additional familiarity with it."

30th, July 2014